Aisect University


AISECT University in Jharkhand was founded to provide education  to rural and suburban youth in more accessible manner than many Ranchi colleges. The university campus is in Hazaribagh and has high academic potential with an equal amount of practical and skill-oriented instruction.

S.N Programme Duration Eligibility **Fees
1 BA (Hon’s) 3 Years 12th Pass any Discipline 12000
( Hindi, English, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, History, Geography)
2 B. Lib. 1Year Graduation in any Discipline 16000
3 M. Lib. 1Year B.Lib. 17000
4 MA English 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
5 MA Hindi 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
6 MA Economics 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
7 MA Sociology 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
8 MA History 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
9 MA Political Science 2 Years Graduation in Relevent discipiline 14000
10 MSW 2 Years Graduation in any Discipline 18000
S.N Programme Duration Eligibility **Fees
1 B. Com. (Hon’s) 3 Years 12th with  Commerce/ Maths as a major Subject 12000
2 M.Com. 2 Years Graduation  from B.Com. 15000
S.N Programme Duration Eligibility **Fees
1 B.Sc. (IT) 3 Yea rs 12th with Mathamatics 15000
2 M.Sc. (IT) 2 Years B.Sc. (Maths, Physics/CS/Economics) 15000
3 BCA 3 Yea rs 12th Pass from Science and commerce 20000
4 DCA 1Year 12th Pass with any Sub. 11000
5 PGDCA 1Yea r Graduation in any Discipline 13000
S.N Programme Duration Eligibility **Fees
1 BBA 3 Years 12th Pass with any Sub. 20000
2 PGDRD 1Year Graduation in any Discipline 15000
3 e-MBA 1Year Graduation with working executive Certificate 40000

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